Friday, July 16, 2010

Mission Statement

First post. Although I've read blogs for years, I've never tried to write one myself. So this is my first attempt and I'm posting this just as an experiment. I hope to make it more sophisticated over time as I learn how to use Blogger.

The Internet is full of pages about niche subject matter. Anyone who ever wanted to write a book about a subject that passionately interested him -- just for the joy of writing, not for profit - can now do so for free in a blog or personal website.

The flattop haircut is a niche subject that interests me, and has done so since I was a child. I've worn one off and on since I was a young teenager. There are many "men's short haircut" websites and discussion forums on the Internet (yes, I've searched on this subject) but I wanted to create my own personal forum to share about this specific haircut - although I've found at least two other sites on this particular subject (PathGuy's and The Flattop Crew). I don't have anything other to offer the Internet except my own personal experiences and point of view.

I suppose my purpose is purely personal - I'd like to (1) document my personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences with and about this haircut, and (2) to document my specific, individual haircut experiences (I just got back from the barbershop and will write a second post about that shortly) for my own recollection - kind of like a haircut diary.

I am writing this for myself, but since I have chosen to publish it in a blog form, I wonder if anyone else will ever read it. Perhaps - we'll see, it would surely be a ultra-niche subject matter, but I've gathered there are a few others out there who are interested in flattops. I have thought about the subject a lot, have gotten the cut a lot over many years in various forms (in about 20 U.S. states and a few foreign countries), and I have a lot to say about this haircut - which I will do over time.


  1. Thanks for sharing the blog,I'm envious, stuck in a place, where there is no barber that can cut the flat the way I like it. Skin on the sides and back, skin on the landing strip, the top flat, not uneven, and kept freshly cut, once a week. There is nothing more exhilarating, than climbing in the barber's chair and getting a great flat top. It just make's you walk out with an aura of being a man.

  2. "It just makes you walk out with the aura of being a man"....?
    I am a woman, 5 ft and not quite 100 lbs.
    When I walk out of the barbershop with my freshly cut flattop hair, I feel very much a woman. As a matter of fact as a "SEXY" woman.
    No not a male domain anymore. Men have been wearing long hair for many years now !
    I love my flattop and I am very feminine ! And it may surprise you, many men have complimented me with my choice of haircut !

  3. What "flat" style?? Like the "Flattop haircut blog" owner; I have had the "flat" every summer since I was 12/13yrs old.I do grow it out for the winter(gets cold in Connecticut)

  4. Yes it's true many of girls(female) have stopped and asked me who does your hair? What barber shop? I want to get my hair done like that! I keep my flattop well cut straight razored on the sides and back high & tight with a 00000 blade down the center and blended out every week! Bleached white and cut I call it the bleached peach! And no not at a barber I have had to train my girl! I bought her the Oster clippers and all the blades and worked her up to the shaved sides and back I'll put her up againsed any barber in Philadelphia with the new $5 buzz joints it was hard to find somebody to do a flat top it's all cookie cuter cuts! So when I walked past her shop and saw a bleached spiked hair stylist with tattoos I stopped in her shop and asked her can you do a flattop? She said "are you willing to let me try? You got any pictures? I said you got clippers? She pulled this lil black pair of home clipper! She said look I'm closed tommorw but I come in at 10 to do cleaning and paper work! I d like to take my time it took her over an hour with a Oster 76 but it looked ok she was scared but like I said it was a good investment!

  5. This was a great article. I think it’s going to help me. I am a college student and ahhhh I am so tired of feeling like shit from procrastinating. Although, I will admit that i was procrastinating reading this article ; ) .
